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Aggregators in digitalised power systems: how can aggregators improve the TSO-DSO-customer coordination in digitalised power systems?

M. Otte, J. Kamsamrong, S. Lehnhoff, J. Rossi, S. Ackeby, S. Wong, J.P. Chaves, M. Troncia, A. Fuchs, C. Menke, S. Rohjans, S. Rosinger, M. Tröschel, J. Schütz

Spanish layman's summary:

El documento define las funciones de los agregadores con enfoques de coordinación entre operadores de red, clientes y otros participantes del mercado utilizando el Modelo de Arquitectura de Red Inteligente (SGAM). Este documento identifica retos para la implementación de los servicios de agregacion.

English layman's summary:

This paper identifies definition and roles of aggregators with possible coordination approaches between grid operators, active customers, and other market participants using the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). This paper identifies challenges for the implementation of aggregator services.

Keywords: Regulation, aggregators, distribution system, flexibility


Funding entity: International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN).

Publication date: 04-07-2024


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